Good business leaders create a vision,
articulate the vision,
passionately own the vision,
and relentlessly drive it to completion

- Jack Welch

Leadership Assessment Practice [LAP] at Afflatus Inc is founded on the premise that everything worthy of emulation, can be measured on a calibrated scale. Of course, the calibration has to be tuned to cultural, geographic, industrial and functional paradigms.
Having intensively mapped more than 1500 CXO level professionals, our credibility and inventory thereof, are in good stead. How has this transpired.
Foremost, we do not try to fit the same size shoe in every case – we innovate, we indigenise, we improvise – and invariably evolve a new norm, a new framework, and a new set of dimensions every instance. The intent is not to leave at measurement stage alone, the intent is to bring hidden revelations, which could be acted upon, and thus further strengthening of competencies and finer alignment with situational exigencies be managed.
The instrument is always standardized and correlated with the overall pool by proxies, and surrogate variables. It hugely aids succession planning and profiling the next in line ones.
Again, at Afflatus Inc, we feel leadership is to be demonstrated at all levels, at all hierarchies – it is still to think it is limited only to the top brass echelons.

The LAP dissemination results in:
- what cognitive corrections are needed, if any
- how can influence be enhanced
- making relevance to situations and crises within the organization
- developing a beyond the organization world view for maximal cross-fields creativity
- thinking through execution plans for realizing vision
- staying true to core values and beliefs, come what may

Think Organization plan

Proper standardized instrument Solved cognitive problems Succession planning by Afflatus Remove crises with organization Developing cross field creativity Thinking organization growing plan
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